Saturday, August 11, 2012

Anonymous Adventures ep. 14

Aaaaand I'm back for the AA saga! Gawd... when was the last update?
2 MONTHS AGO! (gets shot)

Here's episode 14. Enjoy the rest of the saga, folks.
Now... commencing operation!

Ruko: I noticed... from the last episode, Kujyou-kun never contributed an idea for the penalty games.
Kaito: Yeah..

(all boys stare at Ryuu, who usually eats Pocky and staring at the window)

Kaito: Trust me, he's good~ (eyes sparkling)
Ash: Please..... don't remind him that.
Lex: Anywayz, where's Zero?
Ruko: Well.... that masked weirdo just got beaten up by Aika during his yogurt spoon-feeding attempt. She fed him to the wolves.
All (except Ryuu): REALLY? O___O
Ryuu: (joins in their talk) To tell you the truth, he is trying to influence Taisuke with erotic comic books. So I beat his ass off and threw him somewhere where nobody will give fucks.
Kaito: Why???? How could you do this to our comrade?!
Ryuu: Tyson already "violated" her, that's why.
Lex: And you let him do that? O_O
Ryuu: There's nothing wrong about it. Besides, he's her only boyfriend. Zero's just a third party.
Ruko: I'm not sure if he's inventing his own story....

(suddenly, Ruko's attacked by Ryuu's "Dark Demon Punch")

Dark Demon Punch: This attack is commonly used by silent types. The user will punch his victim, causing great sting at one mild touch. Then the victim will end up "paralyzed".

Kaito: Oh... that escalated quickly owo"
Ruko: (paralyzed)
Ash: He's telling the truth...... that's why =A=a
Ryuu: Ooh, I see a fox midget.
Lex: (ears perked) Where?! Where?!
Ryuu: It seems she's chased by... a lolicon apparently.
Kaito/Ruko/Ash: O_O

(Lex is seen engulfed with dark "demonic" aura. Eyes turned into yellow lasers and his hands balled into fists)

Lex: What do you mean "a lolicon?" +___+
Kaito: Wait... if Lex is right here...
Ash: Who is that lolicon?!
Ryuu: It's a lolicon who keeps on sending her love letters as the sign of his affection to her.
Ruko: (still paralyzed)
Lex: Let me at him! I'll give him bigger trouble! Nobody tries to steal my Drei-nyan! +___+
Kaito: She's all yours alright =w="a
Ryuu: Oh look, she's coming over here.

(Drei crashes on the wall, allowing her to get inside and meet the five guys. Lex pounced onto her and held her protectively)

Lex: I won't let that jerkface steal you away from me +A+
Drei: Oh..... well, you have a rival there, mate =w=""
Lex: Tell me who he is +_+
Drei: I don't know, idiot! He just popped out of nowhere and hugged me!
Ash: It could be that that guy found out Lex is Drei's primary lolicon...
Lex: Let me at him, mentlegen! LET ME AT HIM!!!!
Kaito: H-Hey! Don't take it personally, buddy! It's not like he's gonna try to rape her or something---
Ruko: (revived) Whoa... Lex has gone hardcore *w*

(Then the Meganekko appears)

Aika: Somebody please explain this debris...
Ryuu: Long story. We're in a Lolicon Rage situation.
Aika: (sees Lex) That's odd. I've never seen Lex that serious.
Kaito: Yeah. I almost thought he's a Mexican bull.
Lex: (nostrils steaming) I'll show you who's boss, whoever you are..... +_+

TBC =w=

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Anonymous Adventures ep. 13

Let's start the 13th episode with some --
Wait, hold on a sec.

It's... thirteen, right..? So that means...

Ruko: Hauuu, since this is an all boys session, maybe we can talk about those "stuff" +w+~
Kaito: Hauuu, I've always wanted to engage into stuff like this +w+~
Lex: Hau hau hauuu!! This is our perfect opportunity +p+
Namato: (sulking somewhere and readin' a book) Perverted people...
Ash: I have a bad feeling about this =.="
Ryuu: Why am I here again..? =.=

Introduce the characters first:

Ruko Tsukiro:
-yes, an idiot, as always
-most known pervert at all time
-somehow has perverted thoughts about Amy

Lex Shadowrunner:
-a complete idiot and a retard
-a lolicon, EXTREMELY
-likes video games and somehow has those purely idiotic moves

Kaito Amadari:
-owns a camera as his precious possession
-the Kami (god) of Perversion (yes, seriously!!!)
-also has perverted thoughts, too.

Namato Shi:
-the silent one
-the hard to get type
-the sulky one

Ash Akatsuki:
-the softy one
-has extreme weakness towards perverted stuff
-sometimes overprotective

Zero Zephyrum:
-aggressive towards Aika (who happens to be the Complete Pervert's sister)
-yes, a badass like the rest of them
-always wanted to see "paradise"

Ryuu Kujyou:
-dunno what to say: but beware... this guy is a COMPLETE pervert like the rest of them! Please keep him away from those erotic stuff O_O;;
-like Namato, he's a silent and hard to get type
-has normal aggression levels that increases because of a certain person ^w^;;

Ruko: So, shall we start? +w+
Lex/Kaito: YOSHHH +w+
Zero: Since penalty games are the most preferred stuff nowadays, I think we should participate in one of them!
Ruko: Mirouni is always hosting those games! Hey Ash, do you still know if that girl owns a box of maid outfits?!
Ash: Uhmm.... yeah... she kept a lot of them <_<
Ruko: Hauuu, imagine if the girls would lose. How will it be like? +w+
Kaito: HAUUUUUU!!! If Amy will help you feed yogurt, that will be super special awesome!
Lex: That's my line +_+
Ruko: What..?! +_+
Kaito: It's true! It's true! You said from the previous episodes you wanted her to dress in a bikini someday! I  thought of the spoon-feeding thing with her dressed as a maid!!!
Zero: With the cleavage exposed and--
Namato: You perverted fools =,=
Kaito: What's wrong, Ash-nyan? Don't you want to savor this opportunity? +w+
Lex: Yeeeaaah, maybe we could use Aika-senpai as our victim. +w+
Ash: ACKKKK!!!!!!!!
Zero: I'll be the one deciding for Aiky-chan's punishment +w+
Ryuu: Before you decide on the costume's size, you always have to check the chest level, if you know what I mean [blank facade]
Ruko: What..? o_o
Ash: R-Ryuu!! -male tsundere rage + tomato face-
Kaito: Oohhhh, thanks for the advice, Ryuu-nyan~ +w+
Lex: "Mountains" =//w//=
Ruko: [blood burst from nose]
Zero: [blood bursts from nostrils like steam] It's settled! We'll be dealing with me future wife!!!
Namato: (sigh) Whatever. I'm outta here. (exits the room)
Kaito: Kujyou-kun! Kujyou-kun! TELL US MORE!!!
Ryuu: Whut..? =.=
Ash: Merlin's beard... what have you done.....................
Ruko: Ohohoho! Yogurt spoon-feeding without using the hands would be fine for Aika! But she has to wear an extremely cute outfit that'll drive everyone nuts!!
Kaito: Neko maid >w<
Lex: Neko maid >w<
Ruko: (laser eyes look) If her mouth moves, the spoon moves and the yogurt drips on her precious chest. Tihihihihi~
Zero: Let's fantasize it a bit like this...

Zero's Fantasy

Aika: (tsundere blush) Dammit... why do I have to wear this thing...
Zero: It's for you and me only, Aiky-chan. Just the two of us +w+
Aika: Ugh. Don't give me that look. I know what you're planning.
Zero: Oww c'mon, Aiky-chan. I know you want to~

-suddenly he wraps his arm around the meganekko-

Zero: Do it for me, won't you?~
Aika: I said no.
Zero: You just don't want to have my tongue brushed on your skin, ne?
Aika: STOP IT!!! -squirms while the yogurt she's holding starts to stain-
Zero: +w+

-when she squirmed harder, she loses her balance and falls. The yogurt is drained as the contents spilled all over here completely-

Aika: Crap... now my hair's covered in cream slime.
Zero: Ei-ei-ei, Aiky-chan~ +w+ (kneels on top of the girl)
Aika: Zero! Get away from me!!

*The following content is considered very unbearable for the readers. Let's move on then and just reveal Aika's catchphrases while this scene is on-going.

"Z-Zero! Stop it!"
"Nnnghhh!! I said STOP!!"
"What are you--?! STOP IT!"

"Your tsun-tsun image is turning me on, Aiky-chan. You're becoming too cute for me."

"Get off me, you MMMPHHH!!!"


Ash: So much for "morbid" ideas <____<
Zero: *q*
Kaito: (blood outburst like steam) Very good fantasy, Zero-kun b>w<d
Lex: Who'll be our next target then? =w=
Ruko: We could always go for that little fox you're fond of =w=
Lex: DREEEIIIIII~!!! >w<
Kaito: Letsh sheee... neko maid would be nice. It fits her >w<
Lex: She'll serve sweets and Pocky for meh =//w//=

Lex's Fantasy

Lex: (yawn) I'm hungreeh =[]=
Drei: (appears wearing the stupid costume + tsundere rage blush) W-Welcome to the Maid Cafe... can I have your order....?
Lex: Drei-nyaaaaaan~ =//w//=
Lex: I would like some chocolate pudding, Pocky aaaaaand a cute fox girl to spoon feed me like a boss~
Drei: (annoyed sigh) Hmph, fine. I'll be right on it...

-sometime later-

Drei: (arrives with le sweets) Here you go, stupid...
Lex: Goody~ >w<! Spoon feed me, Drei-nyan~
Drei: Like a baby..?
Lex: Aww c'mon, Drei-nyan, do it for me QwQ
Drei: FINE!!!

-another sometime later-

Lex: That was delicious~ Oh, Drei-nyan, could you scrub my back later with bubble bath? =w=
Drei: WHAT?!
Lex: Please? QwQ

-another sometime later-

"Goshi... goshi... goshi..."
"Hauuu =//w//="
"Goshi... goshi... goshi..."
"Goshi... goshi... goshi..."

*Goshi: Scrub/Rub


Lex: HAUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaito: Why back scrubbing?!
Lex: Coz it's not dirty =w=
Ruko: Sureeee... idea settled. Now... next on our list is... (outburst again) AMY-CHAAAAN!!! >w<
Zero: If the yogurt spoon-feeding is for Aiky-chan and the Back Scrubbing is for Drei-nyan....
Kaito: Hauuuu!! The Pocky Game is always famous for that.
Lex: NO NO! The Pocky Game is for Miyako!
Ruko: POCKYYYY!!! Very fitting for Kujyou-kun, neee?~
Ryuu: I'll be fine with that.
Zero: SETTLED! What about Amy?
Ruko: I know! I know! It would be like this!

Ruko's Fantasy

Amy: What are you doing? o_o
Ruko: I wonder... how long did it take you to grow those tits?
Amy: WHAT?!
Ruko: Relax, Amy-chi. Maybe they could be the new fresh milk for breakfast +w+
Amy: YOU PERVERT!!! -falcon punch-
Ruko: [hugs her] Aww c'mon, at least let me suck on them---
Amy: NO! -nipah punch- 
Ruko: -red hand mark on his cheek- So cute~ >w<

[suddenly pounces on her to give the tiger kiss]

Ruko: Marry me, Amy-chi +//w//+
Amy: I SAID NO! And I know you're trying to give me a hickey.
Amy: Urusai +_+
Ruko: BE MY WIFEEEEE!!!!!!! -clings on her like a koala- You are maaayyynnnn~!


Ash: Ohh-kay, very awkward =w="a
Kaito: Let's face it! It's his chance to win her heart!
Ash: Seriously, why are we talking about perverted stuff here?!
Lex: It's for funnnnnn +w+
Zero: Hey, Kujyou-kun is writing something on a paper.

[everyone turns to look at Ryuu with extreme curiosity]

Ruko: Gimme that! [snatches paper] Ooh... 


1.) Mix a cup of boys and a cup of girls.
2.) Sprinkle some confetti and party poopers.
3.) Add whiskey, vodka, patron tequila, margarita or some champagne. 
4.) And... add a little drop of porn..
5.) Shake well and serve

Ash: (blood draining from his face) R-Ryuu, what....
Ryuu: I'm bored =,=
Ash: Good recipe =w=;;;
Ruko: This is...
Ash: Because they saw the word 'porn'...
Zero: Now it's Kai's turn +w+
Ruko: What would it be like..?
Kaito: It would be like this...

Kaito's Fantasy

Kaito: There, perfectly locked.
Hikaru: Kaito, what is this?
Kaito: Uhhmmm... etto...
Hikaru: Why are we locked up in this closet?!
Kaito: T-T-Trust me!! I won't do any harm!
Hikaru: (sigh) If this involves dirty stuff, I'm gonna have to whip you +_+
Kaito: Nonononono!!! I won't harm you! It's just!!!

"Mmpphhh!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
"I really wuv you, Hikaru-chi! I really do!"
"But why this time?! IT'S TOO DARK!"
"I'm sorry!!! This is the only way!!"


Ruko: Closet..?
Kaito: Uhmm... yeah? <w<
Zero: Think of something extraordinary!!!
Ash: Why do I get the feeling your fantasies are realistic?
Lex: Because it's what we expected from them girls =w=
Ruko: And lastly, Kujyou-kun!! We know the way he acts when that blonde cutie is around +w+
Ash: Pocky game.... he already did that before!
Lex: We know. We demand for Ryuu to make it more... extraordinary +w+
Zero: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Miyako-chan is a shy kid. She easily gets scared.
Kaito: Ryuu-kun's fond of her shyness. He is careful, ya know.
Ruko: Do it with her +w+
Ash: E-EH?!
Kaito: Oh yeah +w+
Lex: Good idea +w+
Zero: Splended +w+
Ash: I'm not liking this.... 


Hikaru: What's wrong?
Aika: Ughhh... those guys are so gonna get it...
Hikaru: What is it again? =w="
Aika: (semi-tsundere look) Do you get the idea when a bunch of guys talk about perverted stuff to harass all of us?
Hikaru: I know that =w="
Miyako: Hauuu.... QAQ
Mirouni: (sigh) Even the Pocky game Miya-chan fears it...
Miyako: I'm really talking about what Zero-san's gonna do to Ai-chan!!!
Aika: Wait, what?!
Miyako: How could you not know?!
Aika: Zero... seriously?!
Miyako: Uhmm... yah. Yogurt thingy.....
Hikaru: O_O;;;
Mirouni: Oh no... look what happened OuO;;
Aika: (engulfed with flaming aura with fiery background) I'll make sure he learns a lesson +_+

-Ryuu arrives-

Aika: Ha... onii~
Ryuu: Whut..?
Aika: I see you're done from your conversation, ne?
Ryuu: Yeah. I knew it all the time.
Aika: Huh? O_O
Ryuu: I knew you were listening from the other room. I somehow feel sorry for you bursting into our room when I contribute an idea.
Aika: +_+;;
Hikaru: Oh, I see ^w^;;
Ryuu: Now that I'm here, I bet you're curious about YOUR punishment, nee?? (leans face on his sister playfully) Since Miyako-hime heard it perfectly, it's funny my little sister is too deaf +w+
Aika: Mirouni's the one proposing the penalty games, idiot. We have to decide about it.
Ryuu: Well, we have already decided the punishment if WE win +w+
Mirouni: We won't lose to guys. And I'm sure of it.
Amy: Hi, guys! Did I miss anything?
Hikaru: Long story... =w="
Ryuu: You don't have to know OUR punishments set for dames. +w+
Aika: Whatever, let's just go home.

-when suddenly-

Taisuke: Onii-chan! 
Ryuu: Where have you been..?
Taisuke: I was looking all over for you. I just want to tell you that I had a fun examination~
Aika: About what?
Taisuke: Hauuu!! It was fun! Some guys interviewed me with some questions from... uhmm... Aggression Test.
Aika: E-eh?!
Taisuke: YAH! They said I'm super awesome to bang on girls~ It's all thanks to stupid onee-chan and Kaito-senpai who taught me more words~!
Aika: (demonic aura)
Ryuu: Ya know... it could be they're just saying that to fool you. Since you're already defiled, I have no choice but to let you endure your punishment.
Taisuke: What punishment? o_o

-at home-

"Even your screams won't help! They're not around!"
"Waaah!! Onee-chan! I'm begging you! Don't hurt meh!"
"Save it, kid, you won't be having cake and Pocky +_+"

TBC =w=

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Anonymous Adventures ep. 12

Begin the 12th episode with some school life atmosphere. That's all.

As usual, Ryuu would chew on Pocky (chocolate flavor if you ask me) and some bunch of guys are eyeing him curiously for some reasons. As for the girls, they exchange giggles for SOME reasons.

Kaori: Hauuu... why can't he look this way? >:X
Hotaru: I think he doesn't like you, Kaori-chan O.O
Kaori: Impossible! Of course he likes me!

Ryuu: (death glare) What? +_+

Hotaru: Eekk!! QwQ""
Kaori: You're so cute when you're mad <33
Ruko: Oh no, you'll even make Kujyou-san more mad. (pushes Kaori's face) So GTFO!
Ruko: Oh for the love of obsession, where is Aika's cleaver?

Guy 1: Ei, ei, Kujyou-kun!
Guy 2: How come you're always eating Pocky? o_o
Guy 1: Maybe he wants to play that Pocky game with Ichinose-san someday.
Kaori: WHO?! D:<
Guy 2: That blonde cutie... uhmm... his girlfriend..?
Kaori: WHAT?!
Hotaru: I told you he doesn't like you =,=
Kaori: That's impossible! Of course he likes me!
Hotaru: You already said that.
Kaori: I did? When? o_o
Hotaru: -when facepalming is too mainstream-

Guy 3: Let's do the Aggression test +w+
Guy 2: Huh? o_o
Guy 3: Our victim will be Kujyou Ryuu-kun +w+
Guy 1: For what? o_o
Guy 3: Since he somehow takes us lightly, let's see if he could endure this Aggression test +w+
-shuffles cards-
Guy 3: Ne, Kujyou-kun, have you tried french kissing? =w=
Ryuu: Yeh =,=
Guy 3: Since Miyako-san is your girlfriend, how long have you been dating? =w=
Ryuu: almost a year
Kaori: WHAT?!?!?
Guy 3: Interesting. Have you ever fantasized her wearing a bikini? =w=
Ash: Hey, stop asking dirty questions!
Lex: Neko maid will be cool =w=
Kaito: (holding cam) Go on! Keep it up! I wanna hear his answer!!!!
Aika: -facepalm- What's with guys these days...
Lex: Imagine Miyako wearing a neko maid cosplay... >w<
Kaito: Yeah =//w//=
Lex: =//w//=
Kaito/Lex: =//w//=
Aika: -smacks them both- Idiots!
Kaito: But she looks perfect with it!
Lex: Kai, wait... what if Aika's the one wearing it? +w+
Aika: EH?!
Kaito: Hurrrrrr~ =//w//=
Lex: =//w//=
Kaito: Why? o_o
Kaori: PLEASE! It's for the sake of catching Kujyou-kun's attention!
Ryuu: That's not gonna work either
Kaori: GAAAHHH!!! Why Ichinose-san?!
Lex: Coz she's cuter than you? OuO
Aika: sure, you can wear the costume if we could buy one. don't forget to be a waitress for us ^w^
Kaori: Bitch....
Aika: Or else I'll chop off your head +_+
Hotaru: That cleaver!!! OAO;;
Kaori: Ohohoho! You think that's gonna make me? (but deep inside she's scared)
Aika: Really really (takes out cleaver) Want me to do it now?
Kaori: SURE, SURE! FINE!!!! But Ryuu-kun likes large ***s, right?
Ryuu: They're more like plastic surgery to me =.=
Kaori: ?!
Ruko: Kujyou-kun wins XD
-epic mega punch-
Ruko: OW! Why'd you do that for?!
Ryuu: You're annoying me lately.

Hotaru: D-Did he just..?!
Aika: He punched his ****s because he's too annoying
Ash: I think I'm gonna get sick...
Ryuu: (death glare + rape face) You want me to do that, too?
Ash: NOT ME!  O_O;;
Kaito/Lex: NOT ME! OwO;;
Ryuu: Oh good, so the next time you annoy me, I'll fry your asses literally.
-leaves the classroom-

Guy 2: How did the Aggression test go?
Guy 3: Kujyou-kun somehow.... has normal aggression levels. But when Ichinose-san is around....
Guy 1: Y-You don't mean... o_o;;
Guy 3: Alright, that's all for today! Thank you for the time >w<""

Ash: I sense something fishy around here o_o
Aika: Give it a rest, Ash, Ryuu's always like that.
Ash: Punching ****s?! Seriously?!
Aika: He did that many times to naughty guys who really think they're naughty. They even tried to probe him when we found them with their faces bleeding =w="
Ash: All hail the power of yaoi =w=""
Aika: Go on, try it. You should see how his face looks like when you do =w=
Ash: I rather not OwO;; Geez, never knew you can be as aggressive as your brother.
Aika: Not really. He's the reason of everything =.=
Drei: I'm hereee!!!!
Drei: Oh crap!

-chasing session-

the end
next episode coming soon!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Anonymous Adventures ep. 11

Let's start the eleventh episode with a---

Aika: Ryuu, don't tell me you ate all of the Pocky again.
Ryuu: If so?
Aika: You've been eating them all the time without saving some for me!
Ryuu: Well... you only ate right about two boxes for only three months =w=
Aika: (tsundere mode strikes) He has the nerve to tell me about it......!!!

Kaito: Ei, Lex, have you seen my stack of pictures lately?
Lex: What pics? o_o
Kaito: The one with Aika-san's pics on them <w<;;;
Lex: (spits juice) You WHAT?!?
Kaito: (toying his fingers) I-I-It's j-just... Z-Zero-san asked me to do him a favor >w<"
Lex: Can I see those pics? =w=
Kaito: Oh sure =w=
Miyako: (suddenly holding the stacks) Why are all these pictures have Aika-chan on them? OAO
Kaito: OAO!!!
Lex: M-Miyako-senpai... a-a-anno... h-how did you find them?!
Miyako: What are you guys up to? +_+
Lex/Kaito: U-Uhmmm... ettooo... i-it's our group project OwO;;;
Miyako: You were taking pictures of Aika-chan?! D:<
Kaito: N-No... I mean, yes! 8D (rapid nod)
Lex: You idiot... = =+
Miyako: (blush) If Ryuu-kun finds out about this, he'll turn into a complete pervert O///O
Kaito: That's what I always wanted to see +w+
Miyako: I-If Aika-chan finds out about this, s-s-s-she....
Aika: What is it about me?


Short Interview (Survey ftw)

Let's see how the characters express their opinions of Ryuu Kujyou (the complete pervert as they say... if you've read the previous episode, that'll explain why)

Kaito Amadari speaks:
Kujyou-san is awesome!! The way he stated the Steps got all of us motivated. Too bad my camcorder wasn't with me. Who knows her tsundere sister will try to destroy it... anyways, we thought he's a complete emo until he showed us That Face. I-I don't know what to say but... THAT RAPE FACE IS WAY TOO HIGH FOR A PERVERT >w<!!!!!!

Lex Shadowrunner speaks:
Epic and awesome at the same time =w=
He's definitely the reason why our pervert levels were on the next level. Ever since he told us a lot of jokes about Aika, I've almost mistaken her as a loli. I wish he would give more manly advice for us to get more motivated =w=

Aika Kujyou speaks: 
Since you ARE asking me, this is my perfect opportunity to say a lot of embarrassing stuff about my goody-goody brother +w+~

Ryuu Kujyou speaks:
Do you think I'm gonna fall for that, mate? =w=

Aika: Weellll.... I don't really go to the hot springs exposing a lot of explicit stuff.
Ryuu: Well, I don't go into tantrums when the supply of Pocky have gone missing.
Aika: Ya know... you missed one scene. I mean, you shouldn't be seeing it, <w<
Ryuu: Giving hints, huh? +w+
Kaito: Aika-saaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!! WHERE ARE THOSE PICTURES?
Aika: Crap!!!!
Ryuu: Oooohhhhh~ +w+
Lex: Oh, Ryuu, you're here! Have you seen that pic?
Ryuu: I will help you find it +w+
Aika: +~+;;
Kaito: Aika-san has soft skin~~~ =w=~~
Aika: WHAT?! D8<
Kaito: I lost the picture Q_Q
Ryuu: I'll help you find it +w+
Taisuke: Onee-chan!!! Never knew you look so pretty here 8D

Aika: OAO......................................
Ryuu: +w+~
Lex/Kaito: My hero QwQb

Aika: GIVE ME THAT! (snatches the cursed picture)
Taisuke: But why is your back turned there? I wanted to see your tits Q_Q
Aika: (blood draining her face) OAO.........................
Ryuu: Taisuke, when did you learn to say such words? =w="a
Taisuke: Well.... stupid onii-chan has been my teacher ever since (points at Lex) and his stupid assistant gave me quizzes (points at Kaito)
Aika: YOU WHAT?! D:<
Lex: I-I-I can explain OwO;;;;;;;
Kaito: B-B-But he totally aced those tests I worked hard for! >w<;;;
Taisuke: Stupid assistant gave lame questions. He never told me the real name for the bouncy things on your chest =w="a
Ryuu: I told you before her chest is a pancake, remember?
Taisuke: But every time I land on it, it's like a pillow to me ^w^
Aika: (glares at the two idiots) You dare defile the child's innocent mind +_+
Lex/Kaito: OwO;;;;
Lex: (Hey, think of a plan!)
Kaito: -yao ming face- (What kind of plan?)
Lex: (You idiot, THINK OF A PLAN!)
Kaito: (But I don't have any!) -suddenly snaps- (Ooh, I have an idea)
Lex: (What..?)
Kaito: -giant troll face 2- RUUUUNNNN!!!!!

So the two freaks decided to run like the wind.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Anonymous Adventures ep. 10

Warning: This is the continuation of the previous episode. This current episode contains words and scenes not suitable for EXTREMELY young audiences. Or in other words, not recommended for small kids and big babies.


Episode 10~!

Next Stop: Another 7Eleven branch (Place unspecified because I forgot)

Lex: Come back here, Drei-chan!!!
Drei: I said GET AWAY FROM MEH!!!!
Lex: But I wanna hug youuu!!!
Lex: But you're my primary target!!!

(sfx: rocket punch)

Lex: (masochist mode) Ooohhh... that's the nicest things you'll do for me >w<~~
Drei: Ugh, you're hopeless............


Ruko: Whoo! Hot springs >:D
Ash: Don't get too excited, Ruko... you don't even know where the guy places are...
Tyson: Over there 8D~ (points)

(how the author imagines it: Hot spring, DUH!)

Zero: I'm gonna go first +_+
Tyson: No, I'm gonna go first D:<
Zero: I said me!
Tyson: No, me!
Zero: Me!
Tyson: Me!
Zero: MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tyson: MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Sheep: Meeeeeeehhhhhh!!!!!!!

-Another meanwhile-

Miyako: Soo warm =w=~
Aika: Lucky the guys are far away from us =A=
Miyako: (sees a wooden wall) I think we're only separated by this wall.
Aika: You don't want the guys seeing us naked like this... =A=
Miyako: N-No! Not really! O////O
Aika: Good.... when in times like this, onii turns into a fully regenerated pervert =,=
Miyako: WHAT?! O///A///O?!
Aika: I can hear him coming now (leans against the wall)
Miyako: (sees a tiny hole) Omg O//A//O
Aika: MIYAKO!?
Miyako: Sorry!!! >////<

-Another meanwhile-

Ash: =//w//=
Ruko: =//w//=
Lex: =//w//=
Kaito: =//w//=
Zero: +_+
Tyson: +_+
Ryuu: =.=....................

(the four guys seem to be enjoying the water's warmth, while the two other guys are glaring at each other, while the other one thinks he's in a dumb place. And yah, they are topless)

Ruko: I always wanted to see Amy-chan in a bikini =//w//=
Kaito: I always wanted to see girls showing off 90% of their bodies, if you know what I mean =//w//=
Lex: I want Drei-chan TT//w//TT
Ash: Kaito-san's pervert level is turning me on =//w//=
Zero: I always wanted to see Aika-chan in a bikini... or in a maid suit =//w//=
Tyson: That's my line +_+
Zero: I said it first +_+
Ryuu: Jeez, guys fantasizing about bikinis are too mainstream =.=
All: Eh? O_O
Ryuu: You wouldn't think girls might be waxing The Unwaxable (if you know what he means =w=)
Ash: (gets his point) Y-You don't mean.... O/////O
Kaito: (gets high) TELL MEH! TELL MEH!!!!!!!!
Lex: The Unwaxable? OwO? (<<-- slow)
Ruko: Dude... (leans to Lex and whispers)
Lex: (finally gets it) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ruko: It's true. Girls do that so guys won't think they're turning into monkeys when they're Doing It.
Lex: (blood spurts out from his nose from extreme shock)
Ash: Ryuu-tan is exposing things again >/////<!!!!!
Ruko: Ooh, maybe Ryuu-kun has tried fantasizing Miyako, huh? +w+
Tyson: Yah, what if he did? >:D
Kaito: I'm not gonna have regrets =w=
Lex: (suffers from blood loss)
Ash: Ryuu nosebled a lot of times XwX;;;
All: Why?? OAO
Ash: W-Well... w-we had a lesson in Health about erections......... <////<
Lex: HOLY----!!! OwO!!!!!!!!!
Kaito: (holding camcorder that came out of nowhere) This is gonna be a special scoop!!!!
Zero: Ryuu-kun, can you at least tell me a bit about what Aika-chan does in the shower?
Ryuu: (petrified)
Zero: Aww c'mon, please?
Ryuu: (sigh) Well, she stays long in the shower.... that's all =.=
Zero: Does she have big lady bouncy things????
Ryuu: She's flat-chested =A=
Tyson: Zerooooooooooooooooooooo! D8<
Ryuu: Her breasts are as flat as pancakes... Girls who have giant breasts are the ones who went to hospitals for some transplant...
Lex: I agree with ya =w=d
Ash: Crap, I remembered about the documentary of a woman giving birth <_<;;;
Ryuu: Oh that... when Aika saw that, she was suddenly touching her... (censored word) =w=
Kaito: OMG!!! (another censored word)
Zero: (me gusta face)
Tyson: (me gusta face)
Ruko: (imagines Amy again) =w=
Ryuu: She told me she's never gonna have sex with a guy to prevent pregnancy.
Ash: H-He said it O/////O
Ruko: By the way, Ryuu, have you tried It with Miyako?
Kaito: If you did, you saw her breasts, right? +w+
Lex: Yah, and you touched her, right? +w+
Tyson: And you french-kissed her, right? +w+
Zero: And you (censored sentence)

-10 seconds later-

Ryuu: All yes.
All: (transformed into petrified statues)

Ruko: You're the man!! b>w<d
Kaito/Lex: TEACH US!!! (happy tears)
Ash: (faints) XwX
Zero/Tyson: (epic nosebleed) 8DD~

Ryuu: Girls are suckers these days...
Zero: Tiger kiss is much better!
Tyson: Hickey!!! 8D
Ash: (sigh) We're lucky the girls can't hear us....
Ryuu: (expressionless face at them)
(suddenly becomes rape face)

Ash: T-That face!!!!!
Ruko: I wonder if he does that in front of Miyako =w=
Ash: Aika told me he does that all the time OwO;;;
Zero/Tyson: Aika-chan?! O.O
Ash: Y-Yeh, seriously!!!
Ryuu: So you guys want me to teach you +w+
Lex/Kaito: (rapid nods) Uh-huh! Uh-huh! *w*
Ryuu: Well, first step is.......


Hikaru: A-Aika, i-is that your brother saying those stuff?!? O//A//O
Mirouni: My brother's a weakling =A=;;
Amy: Stupid Ruko +A+ (evil aura)
Miyako: (completely petrified)
Aika: (an aura that can't be really described)

Imagine Aika-chan in her laser eyes look and some kind of a tsundere demon taking over her body <w<

Aika: I'm gonna kill you Ryuu................ +A+
Miyako: It's okay, Aika-chan, I don't mind >w<;;
Aika: I don't know how can I describe Ryuu's pervert level (facepalm)
Hikaru: It's natural for guys, you know ^w^;;;
Mirouni: I just hope my brother learns the true means of his erections =A=;;
Amy: Ryuu even knows the intercourse process =w=""
Aika: Because Miya-chan ahs experienced it with him =.=
All: WHAT?!
Miyako: (toying with her fingers) Yah Q//w//Q
Amy: Did he hurt you?!
Miyako: No, he was careful ^w^d
Hikaru: At least she felt his true warmth =w=
Mirouni: He's a great french-kisser, no? =w=
Miyako: >//w//< yeh...
Aika: (facepalm) Maybe this spring turns people into perverts, only I'm immune.


Aika: I heard those stuff you said earlier +_+
Ryuu: Yeah, so? What's the problem, anyway?
Aika: We heard you, stupid! You even got Miyako unconscious!
Ryuu: I don't see it. She's just blushing =w=
Aika: That doesn't mean you're an expert towards Doing It =.=
Ryuu: And oh, I told Zero about the stuff he shouldn't do to you if he tries to rape you =w=
Aika: (tsundere rage) WHAT?!? D8<
Ryuu: It's not my fault, he insisted!
Aika: WHY YOU!!!

(sfx: slap)

The end XDDD

Next episode coming soon =w=

Friday, March 30, 2012

Anonymous Adventures ep. 9

Changes in the story:
-'Harugii' is officially changed to Kujyou due to the excessive Miss Squeaky Picky-ness of the author.

Episode 9~!

Summer break 7:30am

The main reason for the early time: Taisuke woke up early and used his onii-chan and onee-chan's beds as trampolines to wake them up from their ass-filled rests. So... Ash and Mirouni have the natural sides of waking up early for some reasons...

So who are the characters in this episode, let me classify them:

Guys (aka Perverts)
-Zero Zephyrum
-Ruko Tsukiro (<<-- the stupid one)
-Ash Akatsuki
-Tyson Malcoln
-Kaito Amadari
-Lex Shadowrunner (<<-- the lolicon)
-Ryuu Kujyou (he's a pervert, so no worries)

Girls (aka Suckahs)
~since girls are easy to fool +w+
-Mirouni Akatsuki
-Amy Karasuma
-Miyako Ichinose
-Drei Musume (<<-- the main suckah)
-Hikaru Matsumoto
-Koide Yukira
-Aika Kujyou (<<-- the hard-to-get suckah)

Extra characters might appear in this episode. If you see one, you might freak out or keep your eyes opened wide from confusion.

So here's how it goes. They departed at the approximate time of 7:30 in the morning. Good guess! But anywayz, moving right along, it's a bit hard to explain how their transportation vehicles look like AND how awful or awesome they dress. Let's proceed to a time skip!!

STOPOVER: 7Eleven (Place not specified because I don't know.)
Ruko: Oooh yeah, babyyy~ time to get some brain-freezing beverage!
Ash: Ei, I thought you said Big Gulp!
Ruko: I've changed my mind, mate~ =w=
Tyson: I'm gonna get meself the super large one +w+
Kaito/Lex: (racing towards the automatic door like roadrunner duo minus a coyote chasing after them.)
Zero: (keeping a straight eye on Aika-chan before someone tries to seduce her... again)
Ryuu: (Pocky mode, as usual) 
Tyson: Neeee, you always stare at that cute meganekko, don't you? 
Zero: Why do you care? +_+
Tyson: Because I promised Aika I'll treat her for a sundae +_+
Zero: You what?! +_+
Tyson: You heard me, mate. I asked her out in the first place +_+
Zero: Oh yeah? I'll make sure your plan will fail +_+
Tyson: Bring it on +_+

(sfx: flame combustion + flaming aura + staring daggers)

Ryuu: If I were you, I would do something to surprise her =,=
Zero/Tyson: (rush to Ryuu-kun) TELL MEH! TELL MEH!!!!!!
Ryuu: Now WHY WOULD I DO THAT TO MY LITTLE SISTER, DIMWITS?! You expecting me for some butt***?!?!?!?

Unfortunately, the girls heard his phrase...

Aika: (blood drained from her face) N-N-N-Nani?!?!?!? O....O;;;
Lex: Dafuq did I just heard OwO?????
Kaito: (nosebleeding) Hauuu, Ryuu-sama's pervert meter has gone positive once again b>w<d!!!!~~
Ryuu: Etto............ =w=;;
Hikaru:  Is your brother alright..? O_O;;
Aika: (sigh) It's a bit hard to explain =_=;;;;

Ruko: (smirk) Kukukuku... Ryuu-tan looks smart enough for some Man Talk. Kekekekeke +w+~~
Ash: I-Is he serious about it? OwO;;;
Ruko: That's all we wanna know =w=~
Tyson: (suddenly grabs Aika's arm) Ei-ei-ei~ Aika-chama, let's go have some sundae =w=
Aika: -E-eh?! B-But I'm with Hikaru-senpai...!!!!
Tyson: Nonsense! Oh by the way, Hikaru, I'm borrowing her for awhile, Miyako-chan's here for substitute (suddenly places Miyako to take Aika's place)
Miyako: Nani..? OwO?
Aika: S-Senpai..!!!!! OAO;;;
Hikaru: Go on, we'll buy you some chips ^^;;
Aika: B-But.......!!!!!!!!
Tyson: (sprints with Aika) Hihihihihihihihihi >:DDD
Zero: HEY! YOU THOUGHT YOU'RE GONNA TAKE ME THAT EASILY!!!!!!!!! (chases after Tyson)
Tyson: Nyahahahaha! Come and get me, bitch >8D
Ryuu: Good luck with that, Tyson, and ooh, give her some taste of sugar +w+
Mirouni: Oh gawd... That Face.......... O_O

Author: If you know what I mean =w=

Inside Vehicle Scenarios:

Meanwhile, the fox girl Drei Musume sleeps on Aika's lap and requested to get her covered in cloth just in case a Lex Shadowrunner arrives.

Koide: Ei... Aika.
Aika: Whut..? 
Koide: What did Tyson do to you earlier?
Aika: (OTL mode) Oh... that...
Miyako: Yah, why is he acting like a weirdo anyway?
Aika: I dunno why... even Zero is turning into a weirdo, too.
Amy: (annoyed) Ugghh... Ruko almost ruined my memento today ~_~
Hikaru: What did he do?
Amy: It's a long story.... ~_~
Koide: Well... he did saw some bikini bras and his dirty thoughts gave him the idea how Amy's breasts would look like if she would wear those =,=
Amy: Oooohhh......... you don't have to remind me that ~_~;;;
Hikaru: Lex and Kaito are much worse... =_= (suddenly sees Drei) Ei, what is Drei-chan doing here, anywayz?
Aika: She told us to be quiet. You know what I mean...
Hikaru: Oh yeah... right~

When suddenly...

Drei: !!!?!?!?
Ruko: It's true! It's true!
Lex: Where?! Where?!
Drei: You idiot! (slams a 'Do Not Open Til Christmas' stamp on his mouth) I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!!!
Ash: Ei, Drei-chan, watcha doing here anywayz? o_o
Kaito: Look! Look! Ah did taw a fox girl!!! (Tweety style)
Lex: Where?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Drei: (rocket punches Kaito) STAY OUTTA THIS!
Ruko: (grabs Drei and raises her up Lion King style) OVER HERE, LEX!!! HERE'S YOUR LION CUB!
Lex: (finally sees) DREI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >w<
Drei: (pwns Ruko with a mallet)

(sfx: head smashing and hammer whacking sounds)

Zero: (staring oddly at Aika) Damn you, Tyson...... +_+
Tyson: Kukukukuku~ you're a weakling +w+
Zero: (takes out grandark) Why you little.......
Kaito: (appears out of nowhere) Ei, stick to the bright side, at least he hasn't hit on her =w=
Tyson: (ear becomes suddenly gigantic) Ooohh... did you hear that? +w+
Zero: Kaito, you idiot ~_~+
Kaito: Oopsie ^w^;;
Tyson: Lookie-lookie, Zero-kun, Aika-chama ish gonna change into her swimsuit soon +w+
Hikaru: Ugh... this guy has a lot of dirty thoughts =_=;;
Miyako: Bear with it, senpai, he often acts like that ^w^;;
Tyson: Ei, by the way, Miya-chan, ish Ryuu that dominant and... (smirks) ya know what I mean. =w=
Miyako: E-eh? O///O
Ash: (bonks Tyson) That's enough, Tyson. You're defiling her innocent mind!
Tyson: Are you an idiot?! She's Ryuu's girlfriend!
Koide: She's what?! OAO
Aika: Yep, it's true =w= (smirks at Miyako) Look over there, Miyako, onii's sitting over there showing off his abs~ (points at her brother from behind)
Miyako: (sees) Hauuuu..... O//////O
Aika: (pokes her teasingly) Oooohhh... you can sit beside him or we'll put you there =w=
Miyako: N-No! I-I'm fine with this place O//w//O;;;
Amy: Doshita no, Miya-chan? =w=
Mirouni: Well, you're his girlfriend. =w=
Koide: Come on, goldilocks, at least you can spend some time... (smirks)...alone with him for awhile =w=

Drei: Oh gawd... why did these girls turn into perverts now..? (facepalm)

Ruko: (suddenly appears behind Amy and using her back as a pillow) Mmhhhh.. soft Amy-chan desuuu =w=~~
Amy: (sees him) E-EH?! (tsundere rage) 

(sfx: rocket punch)

Ruko: @w@~
Amy: Find someone else to hump onto!

Next stop: Next episode.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Anonymous Adventures ep. 8

Series of Unfortunate Scenarios.
These are assorted and very short but contain few lines that will drive the guardian angel into huge tears. Don't expect any yaoi or yuri in this episode. Well.... incest might be <w<

Scene 1

Narrator: Two siblings together in one room, doing some crappy school work. Both are silent and need not to be disturbed. (Read Ryuu Harugii manual for the disturbance thingy)

Fryll: Hey, hey, heyyyyyyyyy!!! Jennifryll's in da house yowwwwwwww!!
Harugiis: (silent treatment)
Fryll: (hugs Aika from behind) Hey, babe, watcha doin'??

(Out of nowhere, we see a Zero Zephyrum with a dark and evil aura)

Aika: (pushes Fryll away) GAH! Your breath stinks!
Fryll: HEEYYY, Ryuu, mah man!!
Ryuu: What do you want? (The Look)
Fryll: Soooo, you and that cheeky blondie are an item now, eh? I admit, she is kinda cute. And she blushes like a tomato every time the others mention you especially your relationship. I also heard your relationship started with a piece of Pocky, can you tell me what that is? How is that even connected to love? Chew, chew, chew? Burp, burp, burp? Is that it?
Ryuu: (hands balled into fists)
Fryll: And ei, Aika! Who is this Zero guy? Is he from this world? Why is he glaring at me over there and holding that spiky sword with an eye thing that looks like a toy.
Zero: Toy?! +_+
Fryll: Any-who.... you look really pretteh and awesome. Who cares about that Zero guy? He's not that hot to be with you. So I want you to hang out with a cool and handsome guy like me! And heeyyy, you have huge lady bumps thereeee, can I squeeze 'em???
Aika: (tsundere rage) WHAT?!
Zero: (evil aura level five) I'm on my happy place.... I'm on my happy place....
Fryll: And heyyyyy, I think that breast squeezing thing got Ryuu erected!!!!!
Ryuu: THAT'S IT! (evil aura as he takes out naginata) LEMME AT HIM!
Aika: (takes out cleaver) I'm gonna tear this character limb from limb!
Zero: Hey, don't forget me! (face close to Aika) If that idiot lays a finger on you, I'll tear him for you~
Aika: (tsundere blush) E-Eh?!
Taisuke: Nii-nii! Why do I see blood? OwO
Ryuu/Aika: TAISUKE?!
Ryuu: Get outta here, kid. Go watch cartoons! (slams door shut)
Fryll: This isssss SPARTAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

-slash sfx-

Scene 2


Aika: (the only one in scissors) Crap =_=
All: (rock)
Ryuu: Say it +w+
Aika: (tsundere mode) I, Aika Harugii, disgracefully proclaim myself as the "Zombie It".........................
Nataliya: Yay! Let's get this game started >w<
Arianne: Let's go~ >w<
Yoake: I know what it feels, senpai ^w^
Aika: I know <_<
Ryuu: Hold it! You have to answer this question first! If you do, you can start chasing us =w=
Aika; (sigh) What is it?
Ryuu: If there is one fifth, one fourth, one-eleventh, one-third, one-sixth and one-half slices of cake and ate them every slice, how much more will be left?! +w+
Aika: (thunder clap) D-DISSIMILAR FRACTIONS?!
Lex: That was tough o_o
Kaito: Yeah, talk about awesome XFD!
Ryuu: That also includes one-eighth +w+
Aika: AAAHH?! O[]O;;


(Everybody runs leaving a chibi dumbstruck Aika staring at her fingers.)

Yoake: Senpai's such a meanie... of course if she ate the slices, there'll be no more cake left!

Arianne: Yeah ^w^;;


Aika: (still counting on her fingers) Etto.... >:T

(gasps then rage) RYUU, YOU STUPID BASTARD!! (runs after them)

Scene 3

Ryuu: Truth or Dare?
Ash: Truth...
Ryuu: Who do you like?
Ash: No, Dare!!
Ryuu: I dare you to tell me who do you like. =w=

stay tuned for more :3